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FLTI of Boulder County Alum Builds Community Through Creative Expression

Victoria Medina

Victoria Medina, 2017 graduate from FLTI of Boulder County, is a family leader.

FLTI of Colorado defines leadership as, “The capacity to impact and influence a given situation with clear purpose, necessary skills and determination, and effectively reach an intended goal.”

Medina continues to lead in her community by organizing events like the free workshop featuring The Imagine Project that was held on Saturday, July 29 at the Sister Carmen Community Center. Medina’s civic project for FLTI focused on using creative expression (arts of any media) to create conversations and build community while exploring difficult social topics, aiming to use art as activism. The Imagine Project utilizes a 7-step creative writing process designed to “examine our personal ‘stories’ and reframe the narratives we tell ourselves.”

Imagine just went hand in hand with the goals of my FLTI project, helping people grow and build stronger connections with others though creativity,” said Medina of the workshop.

Psychiatric nurse, author and founder of The Imagine Project, Dianne Maroney, RN, MSN, facilitated the workshop. Participants each received a free copy of Maroney’s award-winning book, Imagine.

Group picture The Imagine Project Workshop
Medina continues to make progress in her community engagement journey. She discovered that radio station KGNU, located in Boulder, boasts the largest volunteer based radio show in the nation and could be a channel for her project. She underwent orientation with KGNU and is pursuing volunteer training, aiming for regular air time after she graduates with her MA in public arts from Regis University this December.

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