Our Work
FLTI of Colorado seeks to bridge the gap between local residents and decision-makers in order to foster the co-creation of programs and policies that reflect multiple community voices.
To accomplish this, we take a multi-faceted approach to build capacity at both the individual and the community levels.
Increasing Individual Capacity with a Proven Leadership Development Training Model
Since 2009, FLTI of Colorado has partnered with communities throughout the state to implement a transformational 20-week training program that utilizes the nationally renowned Parent Leadership Training Institute (PLTI) curriculum.
This training is designed to increase civic participation and promote greater collaboration between individuals, families, institutions, public administrators and elected officials as they seek strategies to respond to emerging social, health, and economic issues in their communities.
“People living in democratic societies have a right to a direct and meaningful voice about issues and services that affect them.”
Lasker & Weiss, (2003).
The FLTI training experience empowers Coloradans to be those direct and meaningful voices by providing opportunities to build skills, grow social connections, and leverage existing context expertise by forming the partnerships necessary to make extraordinary community impact.
Building Local Capacity with Inclusive Community Engagement Services & Tools
FLTI of Colorado often partners with local government and/or nonprofit agencies to design processes that foster community-driven change. When there is a local FLTI site, the site team and alumni get involved as well!
Civic Capacity Index
FLTI of Colorado, in partnership with CSU faculty and external partners, has developed a tool that measures a community’s ability to collectively respond and make progress on shared and complex social challenges in cooperative, equitable, and democratic ways.