Resources are available to guide your community’s implementation plan.

Family leaders from Larimer County and Denver Five Points prepare to facilitate the first year of the new two-generation training model.
It may take one year or more to explore feasibility of FLTI implementation. Potential sites will independently develop an implementation plan suitable to each community. Colorado State University Extension FLTI has many resources to help local communities implement the training. The FLTI team at CSUE will collaborate as needed, including:
- Comprehensive Site Implementation Guide and access to a support document repository
- Technical assistance support meetings and conference calls
- PowerPoint presentation template and sample informational meeting agenda
- Co-presentations and implementation planning meetings when possible

Jose Esquibel, Director of the Office of Community Engagement for Colorado’s Attorney General, speaks to family leaders at the annual Day at the Capitol.
Other resources include:
- Example Memorandum of Understanding to use with facilitation team
- Example site coordinator and facilitator job descriptions
- Sample FLTI press releases
- Grant support
- Local and state data for communities to use related to FLTI and civically engaged communities
- Sample weekly class emails
- Sample marketing publications
- Annual Colorado FLTI Civic Project Report
- Evaluation guidance, tools, and analysis for each local site
- Online participant application tool
- Example interview questions
- Tips on creating a welcoming and diverse environment for your class
- Two annual state organized, local site supported Days at the Capitol
- Family and civic engagement articles and resources to supplement the curriculum as well as support site coordinate and facilitator continued growth
- Online database of resources for site coordinators and facilitators
Contact the CSU Extension FLTI Team about these and other resources available at 970.491.6379 or